Letná 49
Spišská Nová Ves
www.nostalgie.skSpišská Nová Ves
Slnko ako aj Nostalgie sú symbolom života, chutí a radosti. Slnečné lúče z kvalitných surovín Vám premeníme na chutné špeciality. Vychutnajte si každé sústo na tanieri, každý dúšok z Vášho pohára. Naším zámerom bolo vytvoriť prostredie pokoja a pohody, atmosféru, ktorá na Vás dýchne nostalgickými spomienkami na staré časy.
Both the Sun and Nostalgia are symbols of life, taste and joy. We transform the sun's rays from quality ingredients into delicious specialties. Enjoy every bite on your plate, every sip from your glass. Our intention was to create an environment of peace and tranquility, an atmosphere that will breathe nostalgic memories of old times.
Cena menu ZFJ: 32,- €
Kúpiť degustáciuBoth the Sun and Nostalgia are symbols of life, taste and joy. We transform the sun's rays from quality ingredients into delicious specialties. Enjoy every bite on your plate, every sip from your glass. Our intention was to create an environment of peace and tranquility, an atmosphere that will breathe nostalgic memories of old times.
Cena menu ZFJ: 32,- €